thinking of his love-the identity of Judy is becoming conflated
with his own
kiss in the stable
focus on her-her eyes as she looks away; climax when he says
he loves her; chaotic as she runs away; semi-stinger chord as she
hugs him goodbye for the last time; stinger as starts running
he's in the scene, but the music follows Judy's action; like
in the finale, there's no way Scotty knows what's coming to have
the negative stinger chords be his POV
at grave, high pitch
again, not present, but music represents her memory as if she
was there
the music is not fully orchestrated without her being there
Madeleine's apt after out of hospital
the next several scenes repeat the beginning of the phrase without
ever reaching the climactic note
without Judy there, there is no completion, in orchestration
of in reaching resolution of the theme
Outside Ernie's, tremelos as woman walks closer
reaches full height, as see Judy's profile
fuller, finished sequence
last longer than any of the portions before, as he walks to her
room; his identify has become completely reliant on hers, and the
music signals that this is the right woman
packing, tremolo section
"because I remind you of her?"
zoom to CU on Judy's profile as she sits in the dark; CU on her
face as she's thinking the proposition over; music more fully developed
"if you'll just like me"
fulfillment of music as Judy turns around and says she'll do
it; deeper notes join in here as she says she doesn't care about
herself, then begin semi-wild repetitions
as waiting for Judy to return from salon; interrupted with Judy's
the interuption could be seen as Judy being hurt and rejected
by Scotty
Music is soft; stronger case for Scotty's POV here, or as a general
representation of the love between them
"well" change the hair
Still soft, but notes go deeper as acquiesce to changing her
hair; tremelos start as shut the door, signaling her own apprehension
about whether she'll be accepted
Climax-360 Kiss
Spinning out of control. chaotic music when Scotty turns away
in the middle of the kiss; internal conflict of whether she's
made the right choice since it's taking him away from her?
The music in intertwined in both of their thoughts since at this
point they are so interdependent on each other
"she died right there"
negative dark, afraid
in the church
music building, scared, nervous
walking up stairs
still building
sentimental, "I love you"
light, mimicking Judy's whispering fast words; starts at the
possibility that Scotty will love her
Nun's appearance
Music interupted when Judy sees Nun appear
Bells, closing
Representation of the loss of what he just had/could have had;
Judy's haunting him; conflation of personalities