Melanie's Coercion by the Birds
Lydia's Behavior Lydia is the most submissive of the three women presented in the film. The exchange between Lydia and Mitch in the kitchen highlights her submissive nature. She questions Mitch about Melanie but as soon as Mitch says thing like, "Mother, where did you go to law school," or, "Darling, I think I can handle Melanie Daniels by myself," Lydia immediately backs off in her questioning. Lydia knows that she should not trespass against males and apologizes for doing so. She also frowns upon the behavior that Melanie has previously exhibited, especially her escapades in Rome. Lydia is also coded as the perfect wife. Even though her husband has been dead for about five years, Lydia was so well trained by him when he was alive that she still fixes him breakfast in the morning sometimes. Lydia is also obsessively maternal and constantly worries about Cathy's safety and Mitch's choice in women.