Melanie's Coercion by the Birds
Lydia's Physical Appearance Lydia's wardrobe is radically different from either of the other two women. She wears items that conceal her figure rather than accentuate it like the other women. In most scenes she can be seen in traditional skirts, blouses and sweaters that are very ordinary. Unlike both of the other women her clothes lack color. Most of her outfits are composed of varying shades of gray and other neutral colors. Hitchcock's choice of color for her wardrobe signifies her sexual senescence. Whereas Melanie and Annie are both still sexually active, Lydia most likely stopped being sexually active when her husband died, or at least that is what society would expect of her and what she would try to portray. Lydia also has the tightest hairstyle of the three women. Her hair signifies that she plays the most traditionally feminine roles and maintains the most propriety.